Thursday, April 26, 2012

I am grateful for...

Happy Thursday Beauties and Gents!
On this blustery Thursday, I am grateful for...
The people that look beyond their nose to see that the world needs help.
This past Friday  my University organized a group of students to participate in the "Cover the Night" group that was working to bring awareness to the Kony2012 campaign.  If you don't know about the Kony campaign or would like to learn more, you can watch a wonderful documentary here.  It is definitely worth giving a watch.
Anyways, a group of lovely people got together on April 20 and we went out from 10pm-2am and covered Albuquerque, NM in Kony2012 posters.  Needless to say it was a great success and very powerful to see that many people actually do care about people other than themselves.
Here in America we are fed the idea that outside of our country there live lesser people, we have a "forget them, let them fend for themselves" ideal, but we need to remember that they are us.
Furthermore, thank you to the individuals that participated and showed your compassion.

Remember Thursdays will be the day to share what you are grateful for, and if you want to be included in this resolution of sorts. Your "I am grateful for..." posts can be anything from pictures, to stories, music, art, whatever! Be create and share with the world what YOU are grateful for. Big or small, share it all! :)

Begin the "IAGF" Meme!! :D

Much love,
Alysha E. Marie

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