Monday, April 11, 2011

Many Sides of Fashion.

I have always felt that fashion goes much further than just clothes and keeping up with the new styles. I believe that fashions extends into make-up, hair styles and even nail art/designs, and it is all about keeping up with the current trends involving all of these. There are so many different ways that you can change and manipulate all of these key elements into trends that are representative of yourself.
It is for this very reason that I have decided to begin blogging about ALL aspects of fashion.

This is my marble wave nail design. Although it looks pretty complicated, it is actually surprisingly an easy design to accomplish and would be great for a novice or beginner.  If you like this look and what to learn how to replicate it, please tune back in on April 15th and I will have a video tutorial on how to get this look. :)

I also want to take this time to welcome my four newest readers: JoanaTootsie JeanNatia and Annabelle. If you enjoy my blog, you should definitely consider checking out these lovely ladies and their blogs. They all offer different views and styles of fashion and will be a great addition to your reading list.
My readers mean so much to me, and I  truly treasure them, so I just want to thank everyone who keeps up with my blog and let all of you know that I appreciate the support.

P.S. If you have any requests for any types of tutorial, be sure to leave them in my comment box. (:

Love, Alysha E. Marie


  1. your nails look very creative!


  2. Hey love this! So stylish! Beyond glad I discovered your blog. I'm absolutely in love with this. I'd really be glad if you visit mine too. Check it out for updates every day about the latest fashion news, trends and street style. Would love your support. Kisses from Brazil xoxo

    PS: If you follow me, I'll follow you back.

  3. Hey. I would love a tutorial!
    The nails was pretty nice.
    Im following your blog :-) would you follow mine? :-))

  4. ooo! This is so fabulous! wow! I cant wait for a tutorial! :)


Thanks for reading my blog and commenting, I really appreciate anyone's insight. && be sure to leave the link to your blog so that I can check it out! <3