Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Forget sparks, give me lightning.

Outfit Details:
Ruffle Top - Bordeaux from Anthropologie
Polka Dot/Bow Pencil Skirt - Forever 21
Black Pumps - Gianni Bini from Sears

Something you should know about me: I exhaust the things that I love to no extent. My favorite bands/songs are kept on repeat until everyone wants to take a sledge hammer to my laptop. I have seen Confessions of a Shopaholic at least thirty times and almost everyone around me can recite it word for word [whether they want to or not].  I play my favorite episodes from televisions shows over and over, and share parts of them with my family [on repeat].  Clothes, make-up and accessories are definitely not exempt from this trend. My closet is jam packed with countless shirts, skirts, pants, dresses and whatnot, but I have to force myself to not reach for the same items. I have at least fifty shoes, but I always find myself slipping on the same pumps, flats or sneakers. Not to mention my handbag, I find one that I love and that's the bag for me, forever.  I have to reason with myself to the point of exhaustion just to change bags so that I don't end up on wearing that bag out and having to throw it away. I believe this habit has two culprits, one: once I love something, I can't get enough of it. Two: It is always difficult for me to use new clothes, bags, shoes, etc. because I like them so much that I don't want them to get ruined or dirty or have them wear out too quickly.  So I always wait several months before actually putting them on. Such an incredibly bad habit and hence the reason that there are at least seven articles of clothing in my closet at this very moment that still have tags on them. Tisk Tisk.

Love, Alysha E. Marie


  1. lolz! That sounds like me for my clothes.. But I have gotten much better about wearing a lot of different things.. I actually did this thing for a week where I chose like a few pants, skirts, dresses, tights, shoes, belts (etc..) and could only wear something out of those items.. and I chose things I didn't wear alllll the time ^-^ you should try it! It was pretty fun and got me to appreciate more of my clothes! anyways you look darling here! The top is soo beautiful! I love the cream with ruffles.. <3

  2. love your blog!!
    check out mine I'd love to have your opinion!


  3. Isabel, what a great idea! I am definitely going to have to give that a try. I feel like I am always neglecting so many articles in my closet. && thank you so much for your lovely compliments. Much love. <3

    Joanna, thank you! You have no idea how much it means to me to have someone following my blog. :)
    I will be sure to check yours out too!


  4. Cute outfit!! :D
    Love polka dots!!!


  5. Hi there!
    Thank you so much for your very sweet comments on my blog yesterday.
    I'm absoloutely the same with songs, films and clothes. I will listen to a song I love on repeat for days, watch films 2 days in a row if I love them (the first time I saw 'Rent' on DVD I watched it one night, loved it then watched it again the next morning! And I've watched the first SATC film about 20 times) and I will use the same handbag for months until I suddenly remember I have loads of different ones!
    Anyway, I'll be sure to keep up with you now you've introduced yourself, take care! xx

  6. adorable skirt , ilove the bow! and your hair is gorgeous! thanks for your comment!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  7. Cute outfit!! I especially like the skirt; polka dots are too cute!!

  8. Wonderful skirt, so top looks so charming:)

  9. I love your skirt to pieces, it's so adorable! I know the feeling about exhausting your favourite things though, particularly the music.... you should do the same thing with this skirt, since it's ever so lovely (:

  10. so cute. Don't stop with the polka dots!

  11. Vintage Sparkle,
    I am glad that someone has the same habits as me! I'm not the only odd ball here. :)

    Thank YOU for your kind comment, you blog is so cute and I really appreciate you coming to check my blog out!

    Cheers! <3

    That's so sweet Emily, thank you!

    Funny thing is, I totally forgot about this skirt until this day and now that we have been reunited I am sure that you'll see a lot more of it. :D

    I have always been partial to polka dots. :)

    I sincerely appreciate all of your comments, they mean the world to me! I look forward to hearing more from all of you.

    Much love, Alysha E. Marie


Thanks for reading my blog and commenting, I really appreciate anyone's insight. && be sure to leave the link to your blog so that I can check it out! <3