Monday, April 4, 2011

Yes yes, my darling.

Outfit Details:
Guess Sunglasses - Guess
Dark Wash Denim Short - Aeropostale
Off the Shoulder T - Forever 21
Star Tights - Gift From My Parents
Ruffle Skirt Handbag - Gift From My Mom
Catwalk Black Crinkle Heels - Charlotte Russe

I have always been somewhat of a night owl, well, actually not somewhat, I am a night owl.  This probably stems from my parents and their late nights ever since I was a youngster.  I always feel more motivated to do things at night and I always feel much less lethargic when the witching hour rolls in.  Don't ask me why, because I couldn't come up with a sufficient answer.  && no matter how many times I try to crawl into bed at a decent time, I always fail miserably. I am a special kind of night owl though, because I can sometimes be an early bird too. So, I guess I am wise and eat worms.
I am the kind of girl that either sleeps way to much, or hardly at all.  Despite my desperate need to transition to a life solely dedicated to the early bird style, I am always up till at least two every night. I have been told time and time again that this type of schedule is completely unhealthy, but in some ways, I love the changes in monotony that somehow provides my otherwise mundane life with a sense of enthusiastic passion for living.

Love, Alysha E. Marie


  1. I am definitely a morning person! Although sometimes I stay up super late, but I never like it ^-^ You look super cute here, the tights are to die for!

  2. those tights are AMAZING!! mega jealousy from my end...

    I used to be a night owl, but since I wake up at 5:30 or 6:30 most mornings, I'm usually dead tired by this time (10pm!) I miss the days when I'd stay up till 2am!

  3. This is stunning. I love the off the shoulder shirt. The tights are cute and it's a lot better with the shoes <3


  4. Isabel,
    Thank you so much for the kind compliment.
    I stay up late every night and instantly regret it the next morning, I don't know how to break the bad habit! Gahhhh. :p

    Chloe, they really are some great tights. It is always so difficult for me to find tights that I really like and that are my style, but who doesn't like stars!? :)

    Tootsie Jean,
    Thank you so much lovely! && thanks especially for becoming a readers! You can be sure to expect to see a shout out to your blog in my best posting!

    Much love,


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